Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Precipitation aside..."

I am having wayyy too much fun with The Stranger. Hahahaha and do NOT take that the wrong way. It's all very PG.

Haha no but seriously. I've written....two episodes and parts of two more. YAY! And I've been talking to Gaia about it a lot so the inspiration keeps coming!! Lots of joy and happiness. I love the lone stranger. True story.

So if YOU were the leader of a goblin legion, what would YOU do with your life?


Kemendraugh said...

I really wanna read this stuff. I love the lone stranger too.
Oh boy! Quiz time! Hmmm, well, if I was the leader of a goblin legion, I would probably descend upon the closest unprotected village full of silly peasant people, raze everything to the ground, and take those whom I didn't kill as slaves to work for me, after cutting off one hand each. It's much harder for slaves to escape if they only have one hand. of course, it's harder for them to work too, but if I was a goblin leader, I wouldn't be all that bright, would I?

Pine Cone Boy said...

I AM the leader of a goblin legion! BWA HA HA HA HA! Uh, I mean, I'd take out all the neighboring peoples in as gory and violent a fashion as I could devise. And once I got through my neighbours, I'd take out everybody else I could find until I died. And I'd decorate my fence with the heads of my former foes.

Bahnree said...

@ Ken: Well, you could be a particularly intelligent goblin. Since you're Kendra, after all.

@ Zach: Haha I like the fence idea.

Snazel said...

As the leader of a goblin horde... I would have my minions lie in wait for travelers and deprive them of ALL their belongings, then set them free to run away on the other side of my domain. And if my minions want the chase the travelers with torches and spears, I'll let them have their little fun. :D I'd also have my minions steal children from the foolish humans who live near my domain, and have them work as slaves. And I personally would have a fabulous collection of little fingers taken from travelers, which I wear part of as a necklace. And did I mention the constant war against the craven goblin legion in the next mountain? Their skulls make lovely lamps, but they do get broken so fast.

Kemendraugh said...

If I was a particularly intelligent goblin, I'd likely not be a goblin. They're just not the kind of thing smart people want to be.
The heads IS a nice touch. Apparently we'd both like cutting limbs off our enemies.
Would you decorate your fence before or after you died, Zack?

Pine Cone Boy said...

Nooooooooooo, after I died I'd be too busy fulfilling the curse inflicted on the nation that he who killed me came from. I'd prob'ly reserve a particularly gruesome curse for his offspring, as well. No time for fence decorating.

Snazel said...

Wow. I just re-read my comment, and my goblin Leader sounds Gay. Or as my Mom put it, "that man is a little too happy..." Hm, ignore what I said. I have no character envisioning skills anymore. :D

Bahnree said...

LOL well, gay goblins must exist, right?

Kemendraugh said...

Yeah! You totally have character envisioning skills. It's a character, just not the type you thought it was at first! ^_^ "He's a fifty-first century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to 'dancing'." jkjklol!

Pine Cone Boy said...


I don't even want to think about this...

Bahnree said...

"So many species, so little time."