Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Because all the cool kids are doing it

My 100th post!!!
Here's official descrips of my characters, both for my records and cuz Jas already did it. :P

Tara Vale: My supposedly main character but she's as boring as hell so far. She's small, blonde, idealistic, described as "naive" by those who don't "get" her, a Christian, and she has wicked aim. She's Blackburn's partner and has a tendency to do things by the book. And that's all I got on her. Sad, isn't it?

Vad Blackburn: I find it fascinating that when it's from Tara's point of view, she's called Tara, but when it's from Blackburn's, he's called Blackburn, not Vad. I guess just to show he isn't a people person. :P He looks like Tony Stark. I'm sorry. But he does. However, his personality is stoic, somewhat brooding, serious, thoughtful. He's pretty brilliant, as he's an agent AND a technician. He's also got some tragedy in his past, we don't really know what. Yay!

Ramy: I can't say much about him as he's one of the mysteries of the story, but I can say he has most of the funny lines, has excellent fashion sense in my opinion, and is suspected of destroying agency property and assassinating two agents. Junior agents are told to avoid him, senior agents are told to detain him. :P And he has no known last name, that's not a mistake.

Director Fors Evinteen: Don't think about his name too hard. Just don't. This guy is possibly even more personality-less than Tara, but he WILL get one. I have deemed it so. So far he's been your basic director-of-agency template, and I DON'T mean in a Rufus Shinra type of way. Although, who knows, he might turn out like that.

Falkner: Yes, I have yet ANOTHER dude named Falkner. This guy, though, is pretty funny and I *think* he's a good guy...although with this story I know only a little more than any intelligent reader will. :P Anyway he's an agent, he shows Tara around initially. I'm not sure if he's going to come back.

Petria: What's with the Phoenix Requiem vibe, anyway??? I guess I like the names. This chick is in charge of supplies and gear and such nerdy things....she's good with gadgets and has those big black-rimmed glasses.


Snazel said...

Ohhhh, your people sound teh jolly. (yes, I'm using teh like the French "tres," sue me.) You should know that, due to my reading aloud of your blog posts and quotes, you know have a bevy of little steps who would like to read your story too.:D Of course, if it's not appropriate, I'll just beat them off with a stick, but they like the sound of it.

And of course, I love it to distraction, but that's a given, no?

Bahnree said...

That's kinda disturbing that it has all these fans cuz it's really not that great. And remember, I'm conceited, so when I say it's not that great, I mean it. :P

Bahnree said...

That's kinda disturbing that it has all these fans cuz it's really not that great. And remember, I'm conceited, so when I say it's not that great, I mean it. :P

Snazel said...

No, no, I know you suffer from terrible modesty. And everyone around you suffers to.
JK, jk!! :D

I'm sure, even if it's not great NOW, you're going to write the marvellous scenes of incredible genius tomorrow, so it's all good.

Snazel said...

PLUS! even your bad stuff is awesome.

Kemendraugh said...

Well, I am still a fan. Cause your "not great" is better than my "not great". And that's not even being self-deprecating ^_^
I like Fors Evinteen. You horrible, horrible person. *she says as she gets back onto her chair after laughing too hard* Go Falkner!:D

Bahnree said...

haha yeahhhhhh....I needed a name fast, okay?