Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Scribe Delivers an Update on Her Progress, or Lack Of

So this year has definitely been a burn-out year for me, in regards to written fiction quotas. What have I even done? I don't know. Pretty much nothing, except for some drabbles, and I vaguely remember 17k being written on something earlier on in the year....*frowns*

Anyway. My bud Snazel challenged Kemendraugh and I to write 52 short stories in a year. So of course, like good little Snaz minions, we accepted, and are FIGHTING. lol. We started on July 1st, so I've submitted 5 stories to them so far. Although, we are allowing for a certain number of the stories we share with each other to be older ones, so I've used up one of my "reruns." But still! I've written 4 shorties in a month! And I kinda like all of them. One is part of my Alice in Wonderland retelling, two are about my Star Wars characters, and one is a weird fantasy-ish bizarre thing. XD The first three were really good for just getting my rusty fiction-writing brain into gear. The latter I kinda love, and I may use to do some world-building and eventually get a longer tale out of, but I'm not sure.

So the moral of the story? Deadlines are good, especially when you've got friends to poke you. It's especially fun because now I get to look forward to short stories from them on Monday and Fridays (my day is Wednesday). So we have collective creative juices at work here! XD And all of it helps to encourage the rest of us. Or so it seems to me.
I'll keep y'all updated on the year-long challenge as we go.

PS- sorry for all the layout changes here...I finally got around to exploring blogger's template designer. Also, welcome to a couple of new followers! ^_^ Let's be friends.


Snazel said...

*has minions*


I LOVE annie and the four winds, btw. And the insanity of the Star Wars one. :D

I don't remember what you did 17k on either? Script-frenzy?

Bahnree said...

Didn't I do 2009 in 2009? I feel like there was something this year, where it was like a "finish your novel draft" that I worked on Drem or the Other Country...I could look up the blog posts but I am LAZY.

Bahnree said...

sorry *script frenzy in 2009

Snazel said...

Oh, I never know what year it is. I'm sure you were awesome. :D